domingo, 6 de octubre de 2013

Unit 14: The Midle Ages and Modern Times

3.1. An era of great change
Modern Times began in 1492 when America was discovered by Christopher Columbus and ended with the French Revolution in 1789.
There were many changes in Europe:
  • The invention of the printing press.
  • Technical advances in navigation.
  • New crops from the New World (America).
  • Large economic changes.
  • Absolute Monarchies (very powerful kings in Europe).
  • The Christian religion was divided into Catholics (the Pope) and Protestants (Luther).
3.2. Society during Modern Times
Society in Modern Times had:
- The king: He was very powerful.
- The nobility: They helped the king. They were very rich and they did not pay taxes.
- The Clergy: They were people who belonged to the church.
- The Common people (el pueblo llano): This group was made up by : The burgess who lived in the cities, the artisans and the peasants who were really poor.
3.3. Spain in Modern Times
As we already know Modern Times in Spain began in 1492 with the discovery of America and the reconquery of Granada by the Catholic Monarchs, Isabel I of Castilla and Fernando II of Aragón.
Carlos I and Felipe II were very powerful monarchs during this period.
There was great artistic and cultural progress at this time, especially during the seventeenth century with the Golden Age. Many artists like Velazquez , Miguel de Cervantes, etc.

1.- Fill in the gaps about Modern Times.
There were many changes in Europe:
  • The invention of the _________ press.
  • Technical advances in ___________.
  • Large ___________ changes.
  • Absolute Monarchies (very powerful kings in Europe).
  • The Christian religion was divided into __________(the Pope) and _________ (Luther).
2.- True or False. Check when it is false.
a) Modern Times began in 1492 when America was discovered by Christopher Columbus.
b) Modern Times ended with the French Revolution in 1789.
c)Society in Modern Times had: the king, the nobility, the clergy and the Protestants.
d) The Common people had to pay taxes and they had power.

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