lunes, 27 de enero de 2014


4.- Traditions

The traditions of a locality, commnunity or a country are the customs (costumbres) they have kept over the years (que se realizan año tras año).
These traditions can be:
- Festivals.
- Cuisine and craftwork.
- Music and dances.

4.1. Festivals (Fiestas).

Festivals are celebrated every year and they are part of their traditions.

- Autonomous Community Day: In Andalucía it is the 28th of February.
- Religious Festivals like Easter, Christmas, The Virgin of Rocio, etc.
- Carnival where people dress in costumes. Carnival in Cádiz is very famous.

4.2. Cuisine and craftwork (Gastronomía y artesanía).
- Cuisine.
The traditional foods of a place.
*Sweets like churros.
*Traditional dishes like paella, gazpacho, Spanish omelette, etc.

- Craftwork.
Products handmade by artisan.
*Pottery (cerámica).
*Goldsmithing (orfebreria) using gold and silver.
* Textil craftwork.
4.3. Music and dances
People often wear regional costumes (trajes regionales).
In Andalucia the most important musical and dance tradition is the Sevillana.


1.- Copy and fill in the gaps for your autonomous community (Andalucia) .

Festivals       Music and dance              Cuisine                            Craftwork

_______         _____________                  ________                       __________

2.- Copy and match in your notebook.

festival *                                   *a leather (cuero) bag
dance and music*                    * gazpacho

cuisine*                                     *Christmas

craftwork*                               * flamenco

3.- Read and correct the sentences in your notebook.

- Autonomous Community Day is a religious festival.

- Gazpacho is a typical dish of Galicia.

- Pottery is a traditinal dance.

martes, 21 de enero de 2014

Instrucciones básicas antes de grabar el experimento en vídeo.

Cada grupo debe realizar un vídeo de un máximo de 2 minutos de duración donde se describan de manera oral y muy abreviada los materiales, los pasos que se van a seguir y resultado final del experimento. El vídeo será realizado con la participación de todos los miembros del grupo.

Es muy importante tener en cuenta los siguientes aspectos:
  • No sobrepasar el tiempo asignado. 
  • Ajustarse a los formatos mpg o mp4.
  • Evitar colores muy chillones
  • Probar el vídeo con antelación suficiente a la entrega
  • Hablar de manera clara y con tono alto. 
  • Durante la exposición mirar a la cámara y no al suelo.
  • Ensayar la presentación antes de la realización del vídeo.

La fecha límite de entrega del vídeo será el 7 de febrero.

martes, 7 de enero de 2014

Song of January

¡¡Hola!! Aquí tenemos la canción del mes de Enero.

Se llama "Boogie wonderland" y es del mítico grupo "Earth, Wind and Fire".


As we studied last year, a landscape is everything we see around us.
Landscapes can be natural o man-made.

1.1.- Natural and man-made landscapes.

- Natural landscapes.
These are landscapes that have little human intervention. They have lots of natural elements. Some have an important ecological value like Sierra Nevada or Doñana and become protected nature reserves.

- Man-made lanscapes.
These are landscapes that are adapted or created by humans. They have lots of artificial elements.
Remember they can be rural and urban.
Rural landscapes can be villages, fields, farms, etc.
Urban landscapes can be cities, factories, airports, etc.

1.2.-Natural Features

The natural features that define a natural landscape are its relief, rivers, climate, soil, vegetation and fauna.

- Relief: This is the shape of the landforms, like the mountains and plains.

- Rivers: They are continuous currents of water. The water in lakes, ponds, seas and oceans also affect the landscapes.

- Climate: This is the atmospheric weather of an area over a period of time.

- Soil: It is the layer of ground where plants and animals live.

- Vegetation: It is the group of plants that grow in an area.

- Fauna: It is the group of animals that live in an area.

1.3.- The Soil

The soil is the layer (capa) of ground where most plants and animals live.
It is made up of inorganic materials like rocks or water, and organic materials, like fallen leaves (hojas caidas) or the remains (restos) of living things.

There are different types of soil:

- Granite soils (suelos graníticos):
They are made up of a rock called granite.

- Siliceous soils (suelos silíceos):
They are made up of slate (sílice).

- Clay soils (suelos arcillosos):
They are made up of clay (arcilla). They are very good for farming (cultivo) because they are very fertile.

- Limy soils (suelos calizos):
They are made up of limestone (cal). They are less fertile than clay soils.

- Sandy soils (suelos arenosos):
They are made up of sand. We can see this type of soil on beaches.

Algunas fotos

Pues mirando un poco hacia atras, aquí tenemos algunas fotos de las actividades en las que hemos participado durante el primer trimestre! ¡Aprovechad para recagar las pilas durante estos dias de Navidad para volver con más ganas después de Reyes!