miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013



1.-Internal Processes
In this unit we will learn more about the Earth´s relief and how internal processes change it.
High temperatures inside the Earth cause very slow movements that have enough force to move entire continents. These cause internal processes that later come to the Earth´s surface, like when volcanoes erupt or when there are earthquakes.

A volcano is an opening on the Earth´s surface that lets lava, ash, and gases escape from below, from inside the Earth.
The lava is a mixture of molten rock, gases and pieces of rock. When the lava comes out with great force and energy, it is called an eruption.
A volcano has three main parts:* A main vent. This is the main vertical channel the magma rises through to the surface.* A crater. This is the hole the lava comes out of at the top of the volcano.* A volcanic cone. These are the mountains that are made up of the rock and hard lava that accumulate near the crater when the
magma comes up to the surface.

1.2.- Earthquakes
Earthquakes are when the ground at a certain level of the Earth´s crust shakes.
Every earthquakes starts at a specific point in the inside of the Earth.
This point is called the hypocentre. Movement is transmitted vertically from this point towards the Earth´s surface. The point where an earthquakes first reaches the Earth´s surface is called the epicentre.
Seismic waves spread the movement along the surface. If this movement is very strong, it can change the Earth´s relief.


1.- Name the three main parts of a volcano and explain them

2.- What is an Earthquake?

3.- True or false and underline. Check when it is neccessary.

  • a) A volcano expels lava and gasses
  • b) The crater is the hole at tyhe top of the volcano.
  • c) A mantle is the hole comes out of a top of the volcano.
  • d) Magma is the mixture of rock, gases and pieces of rock that reaches the Earth's surface.
  • e) The point where an earthquake first reaches the Earth's surface is called the hypocentre.

miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

Practice with the Solar System

Hello boys and girls! As you know, we are working on the Solar System and its Planets so we let you these two exercises to practice about it.

martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

Unit 9: The Solar System

The Solar System is made up of the Sun and all the stars that orbit around it. The Earth is also part of the Solar System.

1.1.- THE SUN
The Sun is the closest star to the Earth. It is a huge mass of gasses made up of mainly hydrogen that is shaped like a sphere. Because its surface is very hot, it releases a lot of energy that reaches Earth in form of light and heat.
When the Sun is in the sky, it is day. When we cannot see the Sun, it is night.

The planets of the Solar System do not have their own light. They spin around their own axes and orbit around the Sun.
Almost all the planets have satellites. Satellites are celestial bodies without their own light that orbit around a planet.
The eight planets of the Solar System are classified into two groups:
  • Inner planets: They are the closest to the Sun. They are smaller than the outer planets and have a solid rock surface. Their density is high.
These planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
  • Outer planets: They are the farthest from the Sun. They are much larger than the inner planets and they are made up of gasses like hydrogen and helium. They are surrounded by many satellites. Their density is low.
These planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Our solar system is also made up of asteroids, meteorites, comets and dwarf planets (planetas enanos).
  • Asteroids: They are fragments of rock or metal that move around the Sun. They are smaller than planets. Most of them are placed between (la mayoria de ellos están situados entre) Mars and Jupiter what is called asteroid belt (cinturón de asteroides).
  • Meteorites: When asteroids hit (impactan sobre) a planet or a satellite and they form craters on the surface, they are called meteorites.
Small meteorites that disintegrate in our atmosphere are called shooting stars (estrellas fugaces).
  • Comets: They are made of rock and ice.
They come from two areas: The Oort Cloud (la Nube de Oort) and The Kuiper Belt (el Cinturón de Kuiper).
Solar energy evaporates the ice which (que) forms the tail (la cola). This glowy path (estela luminosa) can have millions of kilometers.
  • Dwarf planets: They are smaller than planets. They orbit the Sun further away than (más allá de ) Neptune. Pluto is the most well known ( el más conocido).


    1. Match the two columns.
                                                                          They are made up of gases.
    Inner Planets                                                They are far from the Sun.
                                                          They are small (the Earth is one of them).
    Outer Planets                                                     They are very large.
                                                                               They are close to the Sun.

    2. Write the names of the planets.

    a) Inner planets: _______________________________________________________________
    b) Outer planets: _______________________________________________________________

    3. Circle the correct word.
    a) The Sun is a star/planet.
    b) When the Sun is in the sky, it is day/night.
    c) The Sun’s surface is very hot/cold.
    d) The Sun is shaped like a square/sphere.

    4. Fill in the blank with the correct word from the following.
    comets -  Solar System - satellites - meteorites - asteroids

    a) Bodies of ice and rock that orbit the Sun:____________________
    b) Celestial bodies without their own light that orbit a planet:_______________
    c) A group of astronomical bodies:__________________________________
    d) They are big rocks that are smaller than a planet:_________________
    e) Asteroids that come into contact with the Earth:____________________

    5. Write Inner for inner planets or outer for outer planets.
    a) __________________ Neptune
    b) __________________ Mars
    c) __________________ Saturn
    d) __________________ Venus
    e) __________________ Uranus
    f) __________________ Jupiter
    g) __________________ Earth
    h) __________________ Mercury

    6. What are the names of the two areas where comets come from?

lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2013

We go together - Grease

Aquí os dejamos la canción del mes de Noviembre para el Festival de Canciones.

¡Escuchadla y practicad con la letra y el baile!