sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2013

Ayuda para la realización de una DESCRIPCIÓN PERSONAL

   Las personas se distinguen unas de otras por su estatura, su peso, la forma de su cabeza, su manera de andar, su voz, etc., es decir, por sus rasgos físicos.
   Para describir a las personas, debes tener en cuenta sus rasgos físicos.
   Aprende muy bien estas listas de rasgos físicos. Algunos ya los estudiaste en el curso anterior.
   Por la estatura, una persona puede ser: alta, baja, muy alta, muy baja, de mediana estatura.
   Por la constitución, una persona puede ser: gruesa, delgada, normal, atlética, recia, fuerte, débil, endeble, enjuta.
   Por la edad, una persona puede ser: muy joven, joven, madura, mayor, anciana.
   El pelo, puede ser: rizado, lacio, fuerte, débil, fino, recio, largo, corto, rubio, castaño, negro, pelirrojo, gris, blanco.
   Los ojos, pueden ser: redondos, rasgados, grandes, pequeños, brillantes, apagados, tristes, vivarachos, verdes, azules, marrones, negros, grises.
   La tez, puede ser: clara, sonrosada, pálida, morena, tersa, suave, arrugada.
   La nariz, puede ser: gruesa, fina, larga, chata, grande, recta, aguileña.
   La boca, puede ser: pequeña, grande, de labios gruesos, de labios finos, de labios rojos.
   Los dientes, pueden ser: blancos, oscurecidos, sanos, firmes, desiguales, igualados.
   La barba, puede ser: poblada, espesa, escasa, suave, recia.
   Las cejas, pueden ser: arqueadas, rectas, oblicuas, finas, gruesas, pobladas, juntas, separadas

martes, 17 de septiembre de 2013

UNIT 13. Prehistory and Ancient History (II)


History began when writing was invented around five thousand years ago.

It is divided into four eras:

-        Ancient History

-        The Middle ages

-        Modern Times

-        Contemporary Times

2.1.- The first civilizations in History.        

About three thousand years ago, some cultures became very advanced civilizations because of their knowledge. Some of these culture were:

-        The Egyptians, who  built Pyramids and wrote in hieroglyphs

-        The Greeks, who invented democracy and made great artistic and scientific achievements.



1.- When did History begin?

2.- Name the four eras of History

3.- Fill the gaps about the first civilizations in History

-        The Phoenicians, who invented the ______ alphabet and founded numerous cities throughout the _________ coast.

-        The ______, who  built Pyramids and wrote in hieroglyphs

-        The Greeks, who invented __________and made great artistic and scientific _______.

UNIT 13. Prehistory and Ancient History (I)


1.- Prehistory
     1.1. Life in the Palaeolithic era
     1.2. Life in the Neolithic era
     1.3. Life in the Metal Ages
     1.4. Archaeology and the study of Prehistory
2.- History and Ancient History.
     2.1- The civilizations in History. 


Prehistory started 4 million years ago with the beginning of human beings and ended when writing was invented.
It is divided into three eras:
-      Palaeolithic
-      Neolithic
-      Metal Ages

1.1. Life in the Palaeolithic era

-      People hunted, fished and looked for fruits and plants to eat.
-      They were nomads.
-      They made tools out of stone and bone.
-      They painted on the walls of their caves.
-      They discovered the fire.

1.2. Life in the Neolithic era

- Humans discovered agriculture.
- They became sedentary.
- They invented pottery for cooking.
- They made monuments with large stones, such as dolmens and menhirs.

1.3. Life in the Metal ages

- People made tools out of metal.
- They invented the wheel, the sailboat and the plough.
- They started the trade by exchanging goods with people in other village.

1.4. Archaeology and the study of prehistory

Archaeology studies how people lived in the past by studying objects they used.
Archaeologists make excavations where they can find pottery, jewels, tools, etc. 


Answer the following questions:

-      When did Prehistory begin?

-      How many eras are there in Prehistory?

-      Write three characteristics  (facts) you know about The Palaeolithic era.
-      The same with The Neolithic and the Metal Ages.
-      When was the fire invented?
-      And the pottery?